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A Whole New Era!

This past year, I made Denver my home. It was a leap in the dark if there is any and I would not have changed my decision to go for the world. I just wish I would have savored it more because it was something that can never be repeated.

This past year I was living with 9 other people whom were going through the same full-year volunteer program.

Every person came from somewhere different with different experiences and started working at many different work sites.We had some people working at homeless shelters, food pantries, schools and with seniors. My work site was working with low income seniors and healthcare.

I learned a lot about myself while I was with all of these people pretty much non-stop for the past 11 months. I learned from people and because of people. Others around you can influence change but at the end of the day it is you that is going to facilitate the change in yourself.
I wanted to become someone else from this experience but I can say without a doubt who I am on the other side of this year is someone that changed for the better and learned who I really want to be. Of course though, I see the change in myself through situations and conversations that I have with others.
It did not help me figure out what I want to do or what the next step is but little things along the way put one brick on this new and improved Katherine that is typing right now. I may not know the names of the bricks that were placed on my life during that time but I can see the shape of what they made and I am working every day to be able to make something meaningful out of it.

I am not someone who is easy to understand or even to get to know but I can tell you that this is an interesting ride that is my life right now and despite not knowing all the answers or even being able to see the path at times I know that God is in front of me and he has open arms and a way of making me know and feel that everything will fall into place when it is time.

I am home, with my family, right now trying to find the pieces of me that are there and to figure out what to do with everything. This is that journey.

I am making this right know for anyone and everyone that is going through life. I hope to get personal and deep in the way only friends talking can and if you want to follow along this journey with me, I would be more than delighted to have you along for the ride. And let me tell you, it's going to get messy and crazy and confusing at times but it couldn't and shouldn't be any other way!
